Friday, May 30, 2008

Guess where the toothfairy will be tonight?

Visiting me!!!!!!!!!

these are pictures of my tooth which has fallen out.I am rely excited!!!!!!when my tooth fell out my age was six. aren't the pictures beautiful.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Polly the dolly

Mum has been busy sewing some dolly's and she made me one :)
Her name is Polly and she sits on my bedside table.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Another Charlie & Lola picture

I made this with sequin shapes & paper.This is a lift up flap.


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cooking Rainbow cookies

today I made rainbow cookies. Here I am mixing the ingredients.

Now I am putting the dough on the cooking tray.
MMmmm they smell yummy already!
Here are our finished Rainbow cookies. MMmmmMMmmmLook at that cookie stack. Yum.
Here I am eating them :0)Here is Conner eating them :0)


Yesterday I had some Birthday money and Mum & Dad took me to Toys 'R' us and I bought this Fisher Price Arts & Crafts studio that plugs into our computer. I can make lots of different things, colouring in, dot to dots & drawings and I can print them out too and even put them in a gallery.talissa xxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooo

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Talissa drew this amazing picture today of Marv & Sizzles the sausage dog :0)Marv & Sizzles are characters from Charlie & Lola.
If you look carefully you can see that the clouds are smiling :)

Thanks for visiting Talissa's blog today.
♥ Tammy

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Saturday lunch

for Saturday lunch Conner & I had boiled eggs.
Mum drew faces on them.
This is Conner's & my egg.
Here is my boxy bunny. He is very boxy.

Friday, March 28, 2008